From Aristotle to Aquinas

St. Augustine’s Press has just published a book From Aristotle to Thomas Aquinas: Natural Law, Practical Knowledge, and the Person by Fulvio di Blasi. It concerns Aristotelian roots of Aquinas’ understanding of natural law, personalism and moral theology.

Fulvio di Blasi is an attorney and a philosopher, who specializes in moral philosophy and the issue of natural law. He is also a co-founder and a director of the Thomas International Center. He has authored or edited such books as: God and the Natural Law. A Rereading of Thomas Aquinas (St. Augustine’s Press 2002); Virtue’s End: God in the Moral Philosophy of Aristotle and Aquinas (St. Augustines Press 2008); Ethics Without God?: The Divine in Contemporary Moral and Political Thought (St. Augustine’s Press 2008); Ancient Wisdom and Thomistic Wit: Happiness and the Good Life (2017). A number of his papers may be found at

Of course, the issue of relations between Aristotle’s and Aquinas’ thought is widely discussed. One of the experts in the filed is e.g. Leo Elders, whose works on the topic were already presented at our web page. However, it must be also noted that some scholars strongly emphasise the independent nature of Aquinas’ philosophy (especially his ethics). The examples of such approach may be found in the following talks by prof. Eleonore Stump: