Papers on Aquinas in the latest issue of “The Heythrop Journal”

The latest issue of “The Heythrop Journal” has been recently released. It is a bimonthly journal, established in 1960 and devoted to the relations between the philosophy and theology, published by Wiley-Blackwell and Heythrop College in London. In this most recent issue as many as five papers concern the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas or Thomism in general. These articles are as follows (on the journal’s website free access is provided only to the abstract or the first page of the text):

1. Liran Shia Gordon (De Wulf-Mansion Centre, KU Leuven), Reconstructing Aquinas’s Process of Abstraction (on the journal’s website an older paper by this author is available in free access: Some thoughts about Aquinas’s Conception of Truth as Adequation, „The Heythrop Journal” no. 57/2, 2016, pp. 325-336);

2. Roberto Di Ceglie (Pontificia Università Lateranense), On Aquinas’s Theological Reliabilism; 

3. Alan P. Darley (University of Nottingham), The Epistemological Hope: Aquinas Versus other Receptions of Pseudo‐Dionysius on the Beatific Vision (working version of this paper is available at; at Darley’s profile at this portal you may find a number of his other papers on Aquinas);

4. Glenn B. Siniscalchi (St. Joseph’s University), Contemporary Trends in Atheist Criticism of Thomistic Natural Theology;

5. Angus Brook (University of Notre Dame, Australia), Thomas Aquinas on the Effects of Original Sin: A Philosophical Analysis.

Additionally, you may find reviews of two books on Aquinas in the latest issue of “The Heythrop Journal”:

1. Anthony J. Lisska, Aquinas’s Theory of Perception: An Analytic Reconstruction (Oxford University Press 2016) – a review by Patrick Madigan (longer excerpts from the book are available at Google Books);

2. Mary Christine Ugobi‐Onyemere, The Knowledge of the First Principles in Saint Thomas Aquinas (Peter Lang 2015) – a review by Andrew Meszaros.