A new book by Édouard-Henri Wéber O.P., Nature, singularité et devenir de la personne humaine chez Thomas d’Aquin (Vrin 2018; more information on the publisher’s website) has been most recently published. It is a 66th volume of a Bibliotheque Thomiste collection, started in 1921, presently edited by Adriano Oliva O.P. and belonging to the Société Thomiste. Among the collection’s volumes there were works by e.g. Jean-Pierre Torrell O.P. (part 1 and part 2), Henri Dondaine O.P., Marie-Dominique Chenu O.P. or Gilles Émery O.P. The collection contains also books by Polish authors: Michał Palucha O.P. and Zbigniew Pajda O.P.
Édouard-Henri Wéber O.P. is a philosopher and retired researcher at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. He specializes in the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, but has also published works on St. Albert the Great, Bonaventure, Averroes and Master Eckhart. He is an author of such books as:
- La personne humaine au XIIIe siècle. L’avènement chez les maîtres parisiens de l’acception moderne de l’homme (Vrin 1991; excerpts from the book are available at Google Books);
- Le Christ selon saint Thomas d’Aquin (Desclée 1988);
- Dialogue et dissensions entre Saint Bonaventure et Saint Thomas d’Aquin a Paris (1252-1273) (Vrin 1974; excerpts from the book are available at Google Books);
- L’homme en discussion a l’Universite de Paris en 1270. La Controverse de 1270 à l’Université de Paris et son retentissement sur la pensée de S. Thomas d’Aquin (Vrin 1970; excerpts from the book are available at Google Books).