
O kaznodziejstwie

Krupa Paweł OP, Arystoteles na ambonie? Św. Tomasz z Akwinu kaznodzieja, Kolegium Filozoficzno-Teologiczne Polskiej Prowincji Dominikanów, 7.03.2013 (YouTube)

Torrell Jean-Pierre OP, La prédication de saint Thomas d’Aquin, klasztor sióstr dominikanek w Estavayer-Le-Lac, 23.05.1982 (SoundCloud)


O nauce

Austriaco Nicanor OP, Aquinas After Darwin: Disputed Questions Raised by Evolutionary Theory, Thomistic Institute, 7.06.2018 (SoundCloud)

Carl Brian,Thomistic Objections against Evolution: Returning to First Principles, Thomistic Institute, 7.06.2018 (SoundCloud)

Meredith Stephen, Thomas Aquinas, Scientist: How Might He Approach 21st Century Biotechnology?, Lumen Christi Institute, 12.11.2008 (Vimeo na stronie instytucji)


O polityce

Guilbeau Aquinas OP, Aquinas’s Political Philosophy, Thomistic Institute, 01.2018 (SoundCloud)

Guilbeau Aquinas OP, What Is Politics About Anyway? Aquinas on the Common Good, Thomistic Institute/Harvard University, 17.11.2016 (SoundCloud)

Pecknold Chad, Reading St. Augustine’s City of God with St. Thomas Aquinas, Thomistic Institute, 27.04.2017 (Thomistic Institute)


O sztuce i pięknie

Morris Michael OP, Saint Thomas Aquinas in Art and Legend: An Iconographic Study of the Angelic Doctor, Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, 18.03.2015 (Livestream)

Murray Paul, Aquinas: Poet and Contemplative, Lumen Christi Institute, 28.01.2016 (Vimeo na stronie instytucji)

White Thomas Joseph OP, Can Beauty Save the World? Aquinas on Art and Liturgy, Thomistic Institute, 26.04.2016 (SoundCloud)

White Thomas Joseph OP, What Is Beauty? Is God Beautiful?, Thomas Aquinas and the Greek Fathers Conference, Thomistic Institute/Aquinas Center, 26-27.01.2018 (SoundCloud)


O mądrości

Boyle John, St. Thomas, Wisdom, and the University Master, Thomistic Institute, 1-2.04.2016 (SoundCloud)

Boyle John, Wisdom and the Fullness of Life. Why Aquinas Matters, University of St. Thomas, 05.2016 (YouTube)

Brent James OP, The Presence Of God: The Wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas, Thomistic Institute, 4.03.2017 (SoundCloud)



Fisher Anthony OP, St. Thomas Aquinas and Vocations, Dominican Friars Australiasia/University of Notre Dame Australia, 4.02.2017 (podcast)

Gałuszka Tomasz OP, Chrzest w Duchu Świętym według św. Tomasz z Akwinu. Tomistyczny głos w debacie nad współczesną odnową charyzmatyczną, Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, 4.10.2018 (SoundCloud)

George Marie, Aquinas on God’s Love of Material Creatures as the Basis of Environmental Ethics, Thomas Aquinas College, 11.2016 (SoundCloud)

Guilbeau Aquinas OP, The Courage to Rest: Thomas Aquinas on the Soul of Leisure, Thomistic Institute/Hillsdale College, 31.01.2017 (SoundCloud)

Hütter Reinhard, Testifying to the Truth Usque ad Sanguinem – Pro Veritate Mori. The Ongoing Relevance of Thomas Aquinas’s Teaching on Martyrdom, Pontifical Faculty of Immaculate Conception – Thomistic Institute, 12.06.2013 (SoundCloud)

Murray Paul, Thomas Aquinas: Talking to God, Thomistic Institute, 1-5.07.2013 (YouTube)

Passarotti Marco, What you can do with linguistically annotated data. From the Index Thomisticus to the Index Thomisticus Treebank, Międzynarodowa Konferencja „The Biblical Exegesis of Thomas Aquinas and Its Contemporary Relevance”, Wydział Teologiczny UMK, 21.04.2015 (platforma UMK TV)

Venard Olivier-Thomas OP, Life, Language and Christ: A Thomistic Approach, Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, 24.02.2016 (Livestream)

White Thomas Joseph OP, The Nature of Religious Freedom, Thomistic Institute, Aquinas on Politics Workshop, 4.06.2016 (SoundCloud)